That was the heading of the volunteer sign-in sheet for the Hennepin County Tree Canopy Grant planting days on October 12th and 13th.
Thank you to the more than 20 volunteers!!

We had an eager, energetic group of volunteers ready to dig holes, plant trees and water.
Between the Lake Harriet Environment Council, and the Friends of
Robert’s Bird Sanctuary, 60 new native trees were planted around Lake Harriet and in Robert’s Bird Sanctuary. Much work was done in preparation for planting day, including choosing trees from Hennepin Co.’s preferred list of native trees, mapping locations for placement of the individual trees, constructing protective wire cages, and purchasing stakes, mulch and other supplies.
Our work will continue with watering and monitoring the condition of the new trees.
Allegheny Serviceberry Blue Beech/Musclewood
Red Bud Ironwood
Cottonwood American Plum
Wild Black Cherry White Oak
Black Willow Swamp White Oak
Kentucky Coffee Tree American Sycamore
Shagbark Hickory Red Oak
White Pine
Walk through Robert's Bird Sanctuary and around Lake Harriet to admire the new plantings. These trees will improve the tree canopy and offer protection to wildlife and beauty to the environment!